Adjudicator Profile
Marcel Mongeon has more than 30 years experience in adjudicative work. Examples of his previous decisions can be found on his LinkedIn entry available by clicking here.
In approaching construction adjudication matters, Marcel is guided by the need to be fair between the parties while taking into account the complexity of their issues and considering the proportionality of the amounts at stake and the costs of resolving disputes. In mediating matters, he will regularly remind parties of the ongoing costs of litigation and the importance of finding early cost-effective resolutions.
Marcel is experienced in many aspects of construction including as an owner, legal representative, property manager and small claims court judge resolving and deciding claims since 1993. He understands and works with construction plans, building codes and standard contracts.
Marcel est bilingue et expérimenté dans la conduite des procédures multilingues. Il comprend la nécessité de reconnaître les différents antécédents culturels et linguistiques des gens et peut s'assurer que tout processus décisionnel est équilibré et équitable.
To watch a video of Marcel, click here.